Monday, 25 March 2013

WPC 56

Well now, it's been a long time since I've blogged about anything, and for that I apologise.
Jennie Jaques as WPC 56: Gina Dawson

The reasons for this post are twofold, the first being that I'm home from university for Easter and I have nothing to do. The second reason (being directly related to reason number one) is that I've been searching around on iPlayer and found a programme entitled 'WPC 56' and it immediately caught my eye; not least because it's set in the 1950's and there's a foxy policewoman in it.

A 50's Bobby with traditional
Police Box... Bigger on the inside?
However, once I got over the teenage lust and delved into the show itself I was thrilled to discover that the programme itself is richly drawn with engaging characters and a wonderful amount of detail thrown into the period-setting. The year is 1956 and the narrative follows the life and times of WPC 56: Gina Dawson played with enthralling subtlety by Jennie Jaques (which is a wonderful name in itself). WPC Dawson arrives for her first day on the job as the only WPC at Brinford Police Station. Here she finds that the sexism faced by women all throughout the 1950's is even more poignant in the male dominated world of law enforcement.

It is through these daily trials of a policewoman that she must prove her worth to the police force, all this while being asked to fetch tea and stop sharing her silly little thoughts. One can only admire her composure, if I were in a similar position, many of the chaps at the station would've been leaving with split lips!

The stellar girls of Call The Midwife
The programme, as my twitter followers will know, is to my mind, a wonderful amalgam of lots of other fantastic shows; Call The Midwife, Life on Mars, Poirot and Mad Men all spring to mind and yet, it manages to remain its' own thing. The sheer quality with which it has been made and the love and care taken while crafting each beautifully shot, deliriously vintage scene is remarkable. What is even more remarkable, however, is that the Beeb have allowed this to be shown at 2:15 in the afternoon on Fridays meaning that the only people able to enjoy it are students and the elderly and I doubt many students will have the time or patience for this.

The real deal. 1950's Teds.
If only they allowed it the slot once allocated to Call The Midwife, now that it's off the air for a while. Surely those who enjoyed the escapades of Jenny-Lee would be equally enraptured by the adventures of WPC Gina Dawson?

Being a fan of both shows I can certainly say, with utter confidence, that the two would make a wonderful double feature. Perhaps the BBC should show one episode of each back to back so that people will get to enjoy nostalgia in the form of gritty drama to their hearts' content?

A Ted gets a touch-up.
Currently all five episodes of series one are still available on iPlayer but are due to be taken down in four days so if you don't hurry, you might miss your chance and I fear that if not many people watch it there won't be any more to enjoy. With the BBC the 1950's seem to be coming back in a big way and about time too, let's help them to understand that they're making quality drama for all the right reasons, if only they could give it a better time slot!

I've been harping on about this programme to anybody that'll listen over the last couple of days, I honestly can't recommend it enough! Please do watch it and enjoy. It can't get any better than a foxy 50's policewoman arresting teddy-boys all to the sounds of some genuine rock and roll... Bliss!

Something for the chaps! Gina gets a 'Brinford Branding'.
Until next time chums.

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